Sustainability Fonden 2030 was established in 2013 by Erik Rasmussen as Mandag Morgen Fonden and later renamed to its current name. The purpose of the Foundation is to work for a sustainable transformation of society. This includes how new forms of communication and engagement of people can contribute to a faster transition towards sustainability. The Foundation supports primarily initiatives that Sustainia is involved with. The Foundation does not receive applications for grants or financial support, but we are eager to collaborate with anyone that shares our purpose.
The Board
The Foundation is governed by three members

Flemming Borreskov (Chairman)
Fmr. CEO of Realdania (2000-2013)

Lisbeth Knudsen
Co-Editor-in-chief Monday Morning / Mandag Morgen & fmr. CEO Berlingske Media (2007-2015)

Jørgen Rosted
Fmr. Permanent Secretary Danish Ministry of Business & Economics (1994-2002)