Clients Realdania, DNV GL, Ørsted (then Dong Energy), and Novo Nordisk | 2013
The Guide to Sustainia was a visionary publication depicting what a truly sustainable future society could look like.

The challenge
Historically, environmentalists have relied on narratives of fear and catastrophe to engage people on issues such as climate change and sustainability, but studies have shown that often this approach can have the opposite effect, numbing people to the consequences of these problems and making people ignore the difficult questions. There was a large challenge in how to effectively engage people with these serious issues, in order to spur much-needed action.
Sustainia is a new and needed approach to communicating about sustainability.
Georg Kell – Former Executive Director of the UN Global Compact
The solution
Sustainia developed a pioneering approach to communicating about sustainability and climate change, and with the Guide to Sustainia, we used positive narratives and storytelling techniques to show what a future society could look like. Despite the age of the publication, the Guide to Sustainia is still a benchmark for communicating sustainability in an engaging and inspiring manner.
The guide is available for download here.
Sustainia is my kind of world: A desirable place where we live life to the fullest, without damaging the only planet we have.
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Founding Chair of the R20 Regions for Climate Action