Global Opportunity Explorer

DNV GL, UN Global Compact

Clients UN Global Compact & DNV GL | 2019 The Global Opportunity Explorer…

Sustainia Staff by austin-distel, Ballingslöv International

Ballingslöv International

Client Ballingslöv International | 2019 Sustainia hosted an executive seminar…

10 most alarming reports of 2018

The climate’s annus horribilis: The 10 most alarming reports of 2018

2018 was the year of alarming reports and studies that all surpassed one…

Frederiksberg clean water

Frederiksberg Municipality

Client Frederiksberg Forsyning | 2019 A publication telling the inspiring…

GOR19 GOE 2019 Insights

DNV GL, UN Global Compact

Clients UN Global Compact & DNV GL | 2019 The Global Opportunity Explorer…

new climate alliance

Wanted: Business and governments in a new climate alliance

Governments need to align climate ambitions with the business sector. And vice…


A Rulebook For Miracles?

By the end of the COP24 delegates are expected to have formulated and adopted a…

COP meetings

The Climate Battle Has To Be Won At The Dinner Table

The stalemate characterising 23 years of COP meetings suggests that we will not…


The world’s biggest economies are still heading for a +3°C degree temperature increase

The US President Donald Trump is not the only world leader abandoning the Paris…

Circular Construction Challenge: Circular Success Is Now

Circular Economy is the future for the construction industry, but it remains…